#InkTober2016 Day Ten: Jump

This is day ten of my InkTober Project as I take part in Jake Parker’s 2016 InkTober Initiative.
For my Inktober Project not only am I using the 2016 InkTober prompt list for inking but I’m overlapping it with the theme of cycling which is another of my passions.
Today the prompt is ‘JUMP’.

Inktober Day Ten. Jump.
[last year] “Frence politicians introduced a new initiative to ease congestion and pollution in Paris by allowing cyclists to jump red lights” [at certain junctions]. Daily Telegraph 9th July 1015
[In Paris] “this [sign] indicates that when the signal is red, cyclists can nonetheless and will all due care and attention – jump the lights. The change only affects right turns or going straight on at a T-junction …where the cyclist can hug the pavement.” BBC magazine. 11th August 2015
#Intoberjump #Inktober2016 #Inktober @inktober
Inktober + Cycling = HappyWalt
#inktober #intoberday10 #inktoberjump #inktober2016 #inktober2016jump #inktoberjump2016 #cycling #lycra #bicycle #cyclejersey #cycleshorts #cyclinglycra #jump #jumpinglights #cyclinginparis #pariscycling #trafficlights #dailytelegraph #bbcmagazine