I soon attend Secret Cinema’s Moulin Rouge event.
My Absinthe Fairy and I will dress up (me as a Revolutionary Artist) and so I have created this label for a rather large prop she will be carrying.
Absinthe. An elixir of intellect and vision, 1871 recipe, Alison is my Absinthe Fairy. As seductive and inspiring as it’s famous devotees. Distilled in small batches from homegrown herbs especially from Versailles Wormwood.
#2017sketchbook #moulinrouge #artjournal #artjournaling #artjournals #secretcinema #moulinrouge #paris #parisiennes #absinthe #absinthefairy #greenfairy #wormwood #versaillewormwood #childrenoftherevolution #societyoflove #kylie #kylieminogue #elixir