#InkTober2017 Day Five

This is day five of my InkTober 2017 Project as I take part in Jake Parker’s 2017 InkTober Initiative. https://goo.gl/6wtxC5

Bakerman is Baking Bread! You’ve got to cool down, relax take it easy. The night train is coming, got to keep on running. Sagabona kunjani wena. Here comes the witch. This is the sound of my break making machine. Whirl, Whir, Whirl, Whrl, Whirghl, Whir, Whirl.

#inktober #intoberday5 #inktober2017 #bakerman #baker #laidback #witch #zulu #breadmaking #breadmachine #breadmakingmachine #loaf #cuttingboard #slowdown #relax #takeiteasy #breadknife