This is day two of my InkTober Project as I take part in Jake Parker’s 2016 InkTober Initiative.
For my Inktober Project not only am I using the 2016 InkTober prompt list for inking but I’m overlapping it with the theme of cycling which is another of my passions.
Today the prompt is ‘NOISY’.
Inktober Day Two. Noisy.
Ratt Tatt Tatt Tatt Ratt Tatt Tatt
#Intobernoisy #Inktober2016 #Inktober @inktober
Inktober + Cycling = HappyWalt
#inktober #inktobernoisy #inktober2016 #inktober2016noisy #inktobernoisy2016 #cycling #lycra #playingcards #childhoodmemories #bicycle