#InkTober2016 Day Sixeen: Wet

This is day sixteen of my InkTober Project as I take part in Jake Parker’s 2016 InkTober Initiative.
For my Inktober Project not only am I using the 2016 InkTober prompt list for inking but I’m overlapping it with the theme of cycling which is another of my passions.
Today the prompt is ‘WET’.
20161016_01-inktoberday16photoInktober Day Fifteen. Wet.
#Intoberwet #Inktober2016 #Inktober @inktober
Inktober + Cycling = HappyWalt
#inktober #intoberday16 #inktoberwet #inktober2016 #inktober2016wet #inktoberwet #cycling #lycra #bicycle #cyclejersey #cycleshorts #cyclinglycra #wet #umbrellat #wetweathercycling #cyclingintherain #gentleman #chivalry #himandher #couplescycling #cyclinginthewet #wetcycling #femalecyclist