Gallery: Noughties Sketchbooks

Drawings and paintings extracted from sketchbooks. Years 2000 to 2010.

Soft Toys 20080406

Devon Cottage Window. 20090724

Coffee Pot 20061126

Top Cat 20090611

Two bottles of wine

Mug. 20010629

LeMans Watercolour 2005

Pageboy Trophy 2005

Foot and Coat. Nov 2005

Computer Chair. 20060507

If my chair were a Star Wars character. Darth Chairius. 20160523.

Tea Set 20060800

Robotic Witch 20061011

Garden tresslis arch. 20070611

Clown Commuter 20071114

Nose Picking. 20080202

Garden Shed. 20080330

Hawkeshead Cottages, Lake District. 20080727

A1 Motel 20090614

Dovecote. 20090727

More Rain. Cottage kitchen window. 20090730

Cottage Window. 20090731

Dressing Pot 20091006